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Rigid Heddle

Ah, that ribbon gate, a device that may seem as simple as a piece of toast but holds the potential to weave the fabric of dreams. For those beginning their weaving journey, the ribbon gate is your trusty runner, ready to gallop through fields of yarn and patterns. Let's unravel the mystery of this humble tool and discover how to use it to create textiles that would make even the Vikings drop their swords in amazement.

The Basics: Setting Up Your Loom

Before you can run you must walk, and before you can weave you must warp. Warping is the process of setting up the threads on the loom that will form the backbone of your fabric. The ribbon gate has grooves and holes, and by threading your yarn through these you create what is called a warp. This is your canvas, the vertical threads that you will weave your weft (the horizontal threads) through. For those who find the thought of warping as terrifying as facing a dragon, fear not. There are plenty of resources, from YouTube tutorials to detailed blog posts, that can guide you through this initial step. Remember, patience is a weaver's best friend, and with a little practice you'll be warping like a pro.

Weaving Techniques: Beyond the Simple Weave

Once your loom is warped, it's time to weave. The simple weave, where you simply switch the band gate between up and down positions, is the basis of band gate weaving. It's simple, it's elegant, and it's surprisingly versatile. But after you've mastered the simple weave, you may find yourself longing for more complexity, like a Viking longing for new lands to explore. Here comes the world of patterns. With the addition of pick-up needles, you can venture into the realms of lace, tassels, and more. These tools allow you to lift specific warp threads, creating intricate patterns that add texture and depth to your fabric. It's like discovering runes that unlock hidden magic within your fabric. For those looking for guidance, there are patterns designed specifically for ribbon gate weavers, everything from tea towels and scarves to covers and coasters. These patterns provide step-by-step instructions and often include links to videos for visual learners.

Tips for Success

  • Tension is the Key: Maintaining even tension on your warp threads is essential to a uniform fabric. Too loose, and your band gate may rebel; too tight, and you risk warping your loom.
  • Experiment with Yarn: The ribbon gate is forgiving, making it a great playground for experimenting with different yarns. Don't be afraid to mix textures and colors.
  • Practice makes perfect: As with any skill, weaving takes practice. Your first projects may not be perfect, but they will be stepping stones to mastery.


The ribbon gate is a gateway to a world of textile creation, limited only by your imagination. Whether you're weaving a simple scarf or embarking on an intricate patterned adventure, the satisfaction of creating something with your own hands is unmatched. So, grab your loom, set your warp, and let the weaving begin. Who knows what wonders you will create on this versatile loom? Maybe even something worthy of a Viking chieftain's mantle.

Or if you want to buy a ready-made one, it can be done at

If you want to laser cut your own, you can buy the template from us


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